Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:37 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Appeal to Reason
Song Author
Tim McIlrath
File Size
95 KB
It kills me not to know this but I've all but just for-got-ten
what the co-lour of her eyes were and her scars or how she got them
as the tel-ling signs of age rain down a sin-gle tear is drop-ping
through the val-leys of an ag-ing face that this world has for-got-ten
there is no re-con-ci-li-a-tion that will put me in my place
and there is no time like the pre-sent to drink these drain-ing se-conds
but sel-dom do these words ring true when I'm cons-tant-ly fail-ing you
walls that we just can't break through un-til we di-sap-pear
so tell me no-ow
if this ai-in't lo-ove then how do we get ou-out?
'cause I do-on't kno-ow
that's when she said I don't hate you boy
I just want to save you while there's still some-thing left to-o sa-ave
that's when I told her I love you girl
but I'm not the an-swer to the ques-tions that you sti-ill ha-ave
Woah-oh oh oh, Woah oh oh oh
but the day pressed on like crush-ing weights
for no man does it e-ver wait
like me-mo-ri-ies of dy-ing days
that dea-fen us like hu-rri-ca-anes
bathed in flames we held the brand
un-curled the fin-gers in your hand
pressed in-to the flesh like sand
now do you un-der-sta-and?
so tell me no-ow
if this ai-in't lo-ove then how do we get ou-out?
'cause I do-on't kno-ow
that's when she said I don't hate you boy
I just want to save you while there's still some-thing left to-o sa-ave
that's when I told her I love you girl
but I'm not the an-swer to the ques-tions that you sti-ill ha-ave
Woah-oh oh oh, Woah oh oh oh
one thou-sand miles a-way
there's no-thing left to say
but so much left that I do-on't kno-ow
we ne-ver had a choice
this world is too much noise
it takes me un-de-er
it takes me un-der once a-gain
I don't hate you
I don't hate yo-ou, no-o-oh
so tell me no-ow
if this ain't lo-ove then how do we ge-et out?
'cause I do-on't know
that's when she said I don't hate you boy
I just want to save you while there's still some-thing left to-o sa-ave
that's when I told her I love you girl
but I'm not the an-swer to the ques-tions that you sti-ill ha-ave
I don't hate you
I don't hate yo-ou
I don't hate you
I don't hate yo-ou, no-o
Woah-oh oh oh, Woah oh oh oh